People with addictions have an intense focus on using certain substances, to the point that their ability to function in day to day life becomes impaired.
What is Addiction?
Addictions can occur with a wide range of different substances, from alcohol, marijuana and common street drugs to prescription medications such as opioids, sedatives and stimulants. The hallmark of all addictions is that ongoing use of the substance begins to interfere with daily functioning and that use of the substance continues - despite knowing the harm that it is causing.
Symptoms of Addiction
Strong cravings to use the substance regularly, and failed attempts to reduce or moderate use
Problems in work, school, home and social settings due to persistent use and intoxication
Ongoing use of substances despite knowing the dangerous consequences
Development of physical tolerance (larger amounts required to achieve the same levels of intoxication) and episodes of withdrawal (physical symptoms and illness when the substance is withdrawn from the body).
Addiction Treatments
Treatment for addictions is diverse and wide-ranging, from inpatient detox and rehab centers focusing on “abstinence only” models to outpatient-based treatment solutions such as those offered by Dr. Hayes, which are more flexible and tailored to each patient’s individual history and goals. Regular talk therapy and support is essential, and medication management options are available as well when necessary.