Adult ADHD
ADHD isn’t limited to childhood - it also affects many adults. Symptoms of Adult ADHD include difficulty focusing, inattentiveness and trouble remaining still for long periods of time.
What is Adult ADHD?
Although many of us occasionally have moments where we struggle to focus and remain attentive, with Adult ADHD the issue is more pervasive and can substantially interfere with functioning at home and in the workplace. ADHD is typically diagnosed in childhood, but this isn’t always the case. Additionally, while some children “outgrow” ADHD, others don’t and continue to struggle with their symptoms as adults.
Adult ADHD Symptoms
Adult ADHD symptoms include those that are categorized as either “inattentive” or “hyperactive”. Some patients identify primarily with symptoms from one of the two categories, while others experience symptoms from both.
Common Inattentive Symptoms:
Difficulty paying attention to details
Frequent careless mistakes at work or school
Easily distracted while engaging in goal-directed work
Problems with time management and staying on task
Often losing items such as phone, wallet and keys
Common Hyperactive Symptoms:
Unable to stay seated for periods of time
Frequent fidgeting and restlessness
Interrupting others and talking over them inappropriately
Blurting out answers and finishing sentences for others
Difficulty waiting in line
Adult ADHD Treatments
Medication management is typically considered to be the first-line treatment for Adult ADHD, and there are many effective options. Talk therapy can also be useful, as behavioral interventions can help create the ideal conditions for productive, goal-directed activity at home and in the workplace.